Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Who Am I?

My name is Anatalia Honi,
I am the owner of POSIES Animation & Pose Co. or just simply POSIES, ha! I offer an amazing selection of poses and animations that are high quality. I am known for having realistic and natural poses in the modeling world in SL which I actually didn't know that I was doing. When I first started, I was just making poses for fun because I was actually getting bored doing nothing. I actually built my store with out anything. I never invested into SL with RL money. I worked as an in store model to help save for my store.
My success with POSIES was actually a shock! I am just happy that everyone loves what I create and I love creating it for everyone. Second Life is my output for creativity, and I enjoy being a content creator! I also do RL animations, and I am currently getting a degree in 3D Animation and Graphic Design. Once I have more time, I hope to create more than just animations so be on the look out!
I am just a simple avi in SL and I enjoy hanging out and communicating with everyone. I just love to sit around and talk on mic all day long with my friends. I have made some amazing friends in SL because of it, it has become an important part of my life. Well I dont really have anymore to say at this time, but I just want to say thank you to everyone who supports me and my brand POSIES. I look forward in seeing you all in world!
Anatalia Honi<3
Come visit me @ POSIES

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